Big News from Micah - June 2024

I have accepted a full-time position as a rabbi with a congregation in Irvine, California, and in July, my wife, pets and I are moving to The Golden State. To say the least, this is a major transition for my family, and for Roasting Rabbi.

So what happens now? 

I have some remaining time and inventory to roast and sell a limited number of bags (about 120 total). If you’d like to order more coffee, please do so quickly. Also, please be patient with me, as I work to fulfill final orders as things wrap up in the coming weeks. Some orders may not ship until July.

Here’s a link to our main product page which lists which coffees are still available. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or requests.

Moving forward, I do hope to keep the Roasting Rabbi label running (perhaps based from California), as my love of coffee and the business has not diminished. But for now, I need to tend to my new, full-time role first and foremost.

My dearest thanks for supporting Roasting Rabbi Coffee. I truly appreciate it. I’ve always tried to create joy in every cup by, “Releasing the Holy Spark in Each Bean!" Thank you for helping to make that happen.

Let me know if you have any questions, and thank you again.

In peace,
