Single-origin coffee is coffee that comes from one farm, collective, or country. Our single-origin coffees are carefully sourced so that each offering demonstrates a delicious coffee that exemplifies that best flavors that are possible. In addition, we seek out coffees that have a strong or important story to their making. It might be a women’s owned cooperative or a multiple-generation farm. Funds from the sale of coffee may benefit a local school, medical facility or help protect endangered animals or lands. While we strive to ensure that all of our coffees are organically produced and sustainably sourced in a way, some may be certified as fair trade or organic.

Single origin countries (to date) have included:

  • Brazil

  • Colombia

  • Costa Rica

  • DR Congo

  • Ethiopia

  • Guatemala

  • Mexico

  • Papua New Guinea

  • Rwanda

  • Sumatra

  • Tanzania

  • Uganda

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